Fan list

The top sellers receive individually designed pages where they can sell all their gathered products in one place. This allows them to gather fans who can subscribe to the seller and always see what's new on their page.

Collected fans can be notified separately via email. 

Fans can be asked to support by subscribing to your products, where you will receive monthly income from the subscription. 

This way, we help sellers earn more, and fans help support creativity and provide opportunities for it to grow, allowing their patron to create new and varied works and live off of it.

Fan Page Name 



ready and work 

If you are an active seller with existing sales, regularly updating your stores with new works, and actively working in the Catalog, and you would like to create fan pages for yourself, please write to us at support. We will review your account, and if it passes verification, we will create a fan page for you to gather subscribers.